Executive Search for Health

Where technology, science, food and medicine meet.

From curing diseases to extending live. From invitro to digital. From processed food to health claims. Game-changing developments in the health space are revolutionizing how we think of previously disconnected areas that are now gradually blurring and converging. It is in this space where we help identify talent.

Together with our clients we decipher these trends, identify future competencies and connect with high-potential talent in the health-space.  Our Health practice finds and develops talents across industries, function and geographies with the ability to catalyse change across organisations.

Our clients assign us with mandates focusing on development opportunities for high potentials, giving them breadth and depth tailored to their development needs. These roles have executive sponsorship and exposure and are designed to aggregate responsibilities that give future leaders the learning opportunity of larger, more complex and diverse roles and prepare them for the next step of their career.

Connect with our Partners

Great candidates are hard to find and hire, which is why skilled partners at KennedyFitch Executive Search for Health are here to help. We ensure all candidates possess the necessary qualities to position your organization at the forefront of your industry.

Philippe De Bock

Annett Zippel