To date, HR has largely focused on making employees become the best version of what the organization wants them to be. But with the massive tech disruption impacting the very way we conceptualize notions such as “employee” and “job”, that is no longer good enough. The classic workforce model is being disintegrated by the emergence of the extended workforce, skills and capabilities are being unbundled and work is becoming horizontally distributed. This requires not a transformation but a re-imagination of the HR function.
In our view the role of HR needs to shift from “I know what is good for you” to “How can I help you create an environment where you can be the best version of yourself?”. HR Leaders need to transition from having a deep expertise and focus on processes to being designers and facilitators of experiences. New capabilities should be brought into HR, such as data science, behavioral economics, design thinking, organizational empathy and deep listening. Experimentation, co-creation and continuous feedback loops should become second nature. Only by having an outside-in, multidisciplinary approach to HR, where HR, IT and marketing essentially converge, will we be able to bring the human back into Human Resources and create truly human-centric organizations.
Human-Centered Experiences
The top-down approach to new initiatives no longer works in today’s world – they are costly, time consuming and only have marginal long-term success. We firmly believe that any HR initiative should be based on human-centered experiences, rather than be processes-centered, which is we apply design thinking and Employee Experience concepts to all our consulting.
Together with you and your colleagues, we co-create solutions that are unique to your organization, employee-driven and sustainable.
We provide consulting services in the areas of:
Employee Experience
Defining your EX approach and training your team on EX methodology
Learning & Development
Designing and implementing your L&D strategy and architecture
Organization Design
Designing and implementing your new OD and Operating Model
Strategic Workforce Planning
Designing and implementing your SWP approach
Designing your vision on Talent
HR & Leadership
Assessing and developing your HR and/or Leadership capabilities
HR Process & Program Management
Redesigning your HR processes and/or programs using EX
Strategy Development
Developing and aligning your People / Team Strategy
Change Management
Training, mobilizing and enabling your employees to drive sustainable change and transformation
Future of HR
Designing what your Future of HR will look like
Our view on the Future of Work
In our view the role of HR needs to shift from “I know what is good for you” to “How can I help you create an environment where you can be the best version of yourself?”. HR Leaders need to transition from having a deep expertise and focus on processes to being designers and facilitators of experiences. New capabilities should be brought into HR, such as data science, behavioral economics, design thinking, organizational empathy and deep listening. Experimentation, co-creation and continuous feedback loops should become second nature. Only by having an outside-in, multidisciplinary approach to HR, where HR, IT and marketing essentially converge, will we be able to bring the human back into Human Resources and create truly human-centric organizations.
At KennedyFitch we all have a never-ending positive curiosity for people. That curiosity has not only led us to become HR consultants but also coaches. As coaches, we each have our individual style and preferences but what we have in common is a passion to help maximize a coachee’s impact, both at work and outside.
We facilitate both individual and team coaching interventions. Individual coaching is a powerful tool that can be engaged for general personal development or during times of transition. Team coaching sessions can be used to help colleagues become more aligned, improve collaboration and communication or to renew a sense of energy and purpose.
Capability Building
Look at any list of “top skills” needed now or in the future and you will find that the majority of them are soft skills. The ability to manage yourself and collaborate with others are critical capabilities for anyone in any function. Leveraging our coaching background, we have developed a suite of (inter)personal-effectiveness workshops that can be delivered stand alone or combined into a learning journey.
We also offer workshops specifically targeted at building capabilities within HR. In these sessions HR colleagues can develop their functional knowledge and key interpersonal skills needed to thrive within the future of work and HR.
Meet our Human Development Team
Joan Beets
Frank van den Brink
Tineke van den Heuvel
Sander van Muijen
Annett Zippel
Philippe De Bock
Joyce Wicherts
Lucille Adriaens
Andrea Hermanns
Xuan Dung Burckhardt
Thorsten Eger
Nadia Morger de Frutos
Sebastian Malinski
Patrick Coolen
Maria Neicu
Kaitlyn Wamsteeker
Sanne Rietveld