Consulting specialization

  • People Strategy for SMEs
  • Startup up HR advisory
  • HR Process & Policy Design, redesign and implementation according to People life cycle
  • Team Interventions

Search specialization

  • HR roles​
  • Roles in Life Sciences

Ad interim People Management

Xuan Dung Burckhardt

Practice: Consulting & Executive Search
Based in: Switzerland
Languages: English, German, Swiss German

It all starts with people! This was my inner driver when I started my journey in the People function, and since then I have been professionally pursuing my passion for a people-centric path for more than 20 years.

As a People leader and trusted sparring partner with a proven track record at local and global levels with a focus on Life Sciences and Management Consulting, I enjoy working and guiding with enthusiasm, energy, and a value-added mindset through business-relevant and solution-oriented approaches in all areas of the People Cycle, both at strategic and operational levels.

Another passion lies in my work as an Artist. My art is about mental power, expressing flow and movement in colors and shapes through action painting. Numerous experiences and insights from the process of creating art embrace commonalities in business life, such as being decisive or letting go at the right moment, being curious and creative, and releasing mental flow for better interventions.

As a consultant, I like to combine my experience and knowledge from both professional fields to co-create customized solutions and best practices with my clients. Additionally, there is no one size fits all offering, therefore it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the client’s business, opportunities, and challenges. Quality, integrity, and simplification are at the heart of my consulting work.

I firmly believe that “people can make a “real difference”. For this reason, attracting and matching the right talent for my clients is a two-way process. Not only a candidate’s knowledge and experience but also the right attitude and mindset are equally important because people can only give their best when they fit into a company’s culture and embrace its goals and challenges. During the search process I appreciate and value being the candidates’ sparring partner for professional and personal development and growth.