Consulting specialization

  • Employee Engagement
  • Team Development

Sanne Rietveld

Practice: Executive Search & Consulting
Based in: Brasil
Languages: English, Dutch, Portugese, German

I’m a strong believer of human-centered transformations, and a passionate human resources consultant with 5+ years of experience on diverse people related matters. I’ve always had an energetic positive attitude, started working at 14 for an organization that supports people with disabilities, I realized later on my natural Gallup strengths of empathy, learner, achiever, individualization and arranger allowed me to support transformation on individual, team and organizational level. I’ve been in both project lead and project support roles, always aiming for what’s best for the organization, hands-on. Combining my social sciences with business background, I always work to touch the head and hearts of people.

In addition to my masters’ in Leadership, I’ve followed extracurricular courses on Work, Wellbeing and Performance (University of Utrecht), Positive Psychology (University of Chapel Hill) to feed my curiosity for the human being as a whole, at work. I’ve travelled quite a bit, and learned to speak Portuguese fluently in addition to Dutch/English/German.


It’s what the opportunity can do for a candidate in their life, that drives me in my search work. I’m a keen listener, as well as advisor, to discover with the candidates what career steps they aspire for and how an opportunity can support their growth. In the end, that candidate will dedicate much of his/her passion, energy and time, to contribute to the success of their new employer. As keen a listener I am to candidates, I am to clients as well. You can always expect transparency, dedication as well as hard work, as always keen to deliver.


I’m in with both my head and my heart, and strongly believe emotions just as financial information, are data. Always bring my true, transparent and hard working self to the project, with the aim to best support the individual client/team/organization to achieve their goal.